DONÁT BÁNKI (1859-1922)

Born in Veszprém, Donát Bánki was a pioneer of Hungarian engine manufacture, an outstanding university professor, a versatile creator, one of the greatest mechanical engineers of his time, and a professor of the construction of hydraulic engines, compressors and steam turbines. He invented the carburettor and built the first high-pressure explosion engine. After his death in 1927, the Academy awarded him the „Grand Prize” for his paper on the Bánki turbine.

BÉLA BARÉNYI (1907-1997)

The Hungarian-born inventor actually designed Volkswagen’s bug-back designs, aged just 18. He graduated as a mechanical engineer from the University of Vienna and later worked for Fiat, Steyr and Adler in Austria. He even worked for Daimler from 1939 to 1972. Soon he developed the world’s first safety system, divided conceptually into active and passive systems. His first innovation in 1953 was the w120 floorpan. In 1959 he conducted the first safety crash test. Numerous safety innovations, such as the redesign of the steering column and the invisibility of the wipers at rest, are attributed to him, as well as the protection of the passenger compartment by the floorpan.

JÁNOS CSONKA (1852-1939)

Hungarian inventor, honorary mechanical engineer, pioneer of Hungarian engine production and founder of automobile production in Hungary. He is famous for the invention of the Bánki-Csonka carburettor and the Csonka mixed-fuel engine. He was the constructor of the first Hungarian car and the first Hungarian explosion-powered vehicle.

JÓZSEF GALAMB (1881-1955)

Hungarian engineer, chief designer of the Ford Motor Company. In 1907, Henry Ford commissioned him to design a car that was easy to handle and as economical to produce as possible. By October, the world’s first people’s car, the famous Model T was completed and one of its models can be seen here. The engineer died in Detroit in 1955.

PÁL JÁRAY (1889-1974)

An inventor from a Jewish family, Paul Járay, known as the birth father of streamlined designs, had a major influence on the development of the automotive industry. He successfully transferred his experience in the construction of streamlined airships to the world of road vehicles, and it was partly thanks to him that the horseless carriage became a true automobile. Ferdinand Porsche also took notice of Paul Járay’s Airflow model when designing Volkswagen. He finished his career as a teacher at the Swiss State Technical College in Zurich.

JÁNOS VIKTOR (1891-1965)

Hungarian-born János Viktor was the designer of Alfa Romeo and a key designer of the 1930s. His contribution to Ferrari was also significant; in 1956 his new V12 engine was introduced in the Ferrari 290 MM. The new series of Jano-engined sports cars helped to win two World Sports Car Championship titles. His work needs no praise, suffice it to quote Henry Ford: „Whenever an Alfa Romeo drives past me, I tip my hat.”

JÓZSEF GANZ (1898-1967)

Hungarian-born engineer, great car designer, ahead of his time with creating the VW Beetle. The big car companies, fearing for their profits, tried to destroy him, for a long time without success. Despite the fact that he was responsible for the successful creation of many models and that the most famous companies, such as Mercedes and BMW, were competing for his talent, Hitler banished him from the scene because of his Jewish origin. In the end, it was all in vain; the Nazis did not succeed in erasing Joseph Ganz from history, and „The true story of the Beetle” was later revealed.